Kazuhei Aoyagi((国研)日本原子力研究開発機構), Kentaro Sugawara(地層科学研究所), Katsumi Kamemura((公財)深田地質研究所), Makito Nago(大成建設(株))
International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, Volume 178, June 2024, 105776
KW:In situ stress state, Convergence measurement, Finite differential method, Underground facility, High-level radioactive waste
A method for estimating the stress state during the construction of underground facilities such as deep geological disposal repositories is necessary to enhance the reliability of their design, construction, and long-term performance.For this purpose, numerous in situ measurements of variables such as hydraulic fracturing or the stress relief method have been typically performed to estimate the stress state. However, it is difficult in some cases to validate the stress state, particularly in sedimentary rock, because of the variation related to heterogeneous rock masses and topography. This study developed a new method for reliably estimating the in situ stress state of rocks using the measured initial elastic displacement of the loop gallery at 350 m depth in the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory (URL), Japan. The estimated magnitudes of the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses are 11.25 and 6.25 MPa, respectively, which are similar to the stresses measured using the hydraulic fracturing method performed before excavating the facility. Although the proposed method could only be applied after excavation of the gallery in the studied case, it yielded an estimate of the stress state over a region of hundreds of square meters with high accuracy, as assessed by comparison with measured results. We conclude that the method can be applied to optimizing the design, construction, and performance of large underground facilities, such as deep geological repositories.